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Have You Forgiven Your Spouse?

Warning! 3 Mistakes That Hinder Complete Forgiveness I believe it’s interesting that those we love the most have the ability to hurt us the most. If you’ve been hurt emotionally by your spouse, you understand a pain that cuts directly to your heart. That type of pain is not easy to just “get over”. Even…Continue Reading

Dating Your Spouse

Is Your Marriage Lacking Something? Unfortunately, many married couples settle into a pattern of complacency within their relationship. Perhaps you feel like the “spark” you once had is gone. Maybe it seems like you never laugh together anymore, and instead of feeling “head over heels” in love with your spouse, your marriage has become more…Continue Reading

6 Signs of Genuine Sorrow

6 Ways to Know If Your Spouse Is Truly Sorry Do you ever wonder if you will know if someone is showing true sorrow for hurting you? When can you tell if someone accepts full responsibility for their actions and is determined to change? Below are six reliable signs to use to test an individual for…Continue Reading

5 Simple Steps to Overcome Guilt

Are you plagued with guilt over a past failure? Do you try to forget what happened but you simply cannot get your offense out of your mind? Does it seem like it impossible for you to truly find inner peace? I understand. There have been times in my life when I felt I had really blown it.…Continue Reading

Eliminate Marital Stress By Prioritizing Issues

Stress in marriage is inevitable.  The difference is recognizing that marital stress can be positive or negative. There are good kinds of stress such as wedding plans, a career change or planning a vacation.  Negative stress can be dealing with conflict with in-laws, infidelity or marital separation Stress is managed by identifying the stressor and developing an effective response to…Continue Reading

Has Someone Betrayed Your Trust?

No matter the relationship, betrayal can take on many forms.  Betrayal can be emotional, financial, sexual, spiritual or physical. So many questions fill your mind once broken trust has occurred. How can I ever be able to trust this person again? Should I stay in this marriage? When is my pain going to end? Remaining passive while someone undermines…Continue Reading

Are You Feeling Understood?

Successful couples are at ease when communicating with each other. They are able to express both positive and negative feelings. They do not fear their partner will try to impose their way of thinking through ridicule, lectures or other comments, which are perceived as a put down. Good communication is dependant on the ablility to carefully listen to your partner, without interrupting…Continue Reading

Ten Steps for Stopping An Argument

Whether you are dating, engaged, newly married or celebrating a twenty-fifth anniversary all couples have differences.  These differences are not what cause unhappiness, how they are handled is the problem! Selfish demands, ridicule or outbursts of anger do not resolve conflict.  Avoiding disagreements is not the answer either. Couples who are happiest resolve their problems.  Here is a simple, but effective method to resolve conflict…Continue Reading

Do you need a Christian Counselor now?

Selecting the right Christian counselor can possibly make the difference in how quickly you heal from the emotional, relational and spiritual pain you are experiencing. The old adage is true, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Trust your instincts. When you make that first phone listen carefully to determine if…Continue Reading