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6 Signs of Genuine Sorrow

6 Ways to Know If Your Spouse Is Truly Sorry

Do you ever wonder if you will know if someone is showing true sorrow for hurting you? When can you tell if someone accepts full responsibility for their actions and is determined to change?

Below are six reliable signs to use to test an individual for displaying genuine sorrow.

  1. Feels the damage done to you without trying to minimize, justify or blame.
  2. Responds with total honesty when you confront them with their behavior.
  3. Asks for forgiveness from you for the hurt they caused.
  4. Changes 180 degrees and is accountable to you and others for their destructive choices.
  5. Focuses their attention on you and understand it takes time to rebuild and restore love and trust.
  6. Is unwilling to compromise and puts forth the effort to reestablish their relationship with you regardless of the cost.

Remember, there is nothing you can do to bring another person to repentance (change of mind). Your responsibility is to forgive and leave the outcome to God.  Forgiveness is an ongoing process, which requires that you choose to forgive and pray for the offender when the offense crosses your mind.

“A broken and contrite heart God will not despise.”  Psalm 51:17

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