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5 Simple Steps to Overcome Guilt

Are you plagued with guilt over a past failure? Do you try to forget what happened but you simply cannot get your offense out of your mind? Does it seem like it impossible for you to truly find inner peace?

I understand. There have been times in my life when I felt I had really blown it. I let God down, I let others down and I let myself down.

Guilt occurs when you  fail to live up to standards that God sets. We all sin and come short of His perfect standard. You want to be that ideal person, but you know your “real self.” Your wrongdoing creates conflict within, separating you from God, from others and causes you real emotional pain.

  1. Express Regret:
    Say you are sorry for what you did.
  2. Accept Responsibility:
    Admit what you did was wrong.
  3. Make Restituition:
    Ask what you need to do to make things right?
  4. Genuinely Change:
    Decide not to repeat the behavior, promising you will not to do it again.
  5. Request forgiveness:
    Ask will you forgive me?

Steps taken from The Five Languages of Apology by Gary Chapman

Follow these steps by praying to God and when communicating to those you offended. “If you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.” I Jn 1:9

Rather than trying to forget your failures, take this time to look backwards and identify patterns which influenced your behavior. Ask yourself what situations contribute to your dishonesty, independant behaviors, substance abuse, pornography, infidelity, angry outbursts, jealousy, resentment, disrespectful judgments, unforgiveness, etc.

Choose to remove yourself from the enviroment, which promotes an opportunity to repeat your behaviors. Take positive steps to enhance your relationship with God, with others and with yourself.

Need someone to help you sort this out? Call or text me at 305-890-6987 or contact me for a No-Charge 15-minute phone consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!

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