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Spiritual Intimacy: It’s The Secret to A Marriage That Lasts

Spiritual Intimacy: It’s The Secret to A Marriage That Lasts

Couple drinking coffeeMost of the couples I have worked with have a deep desire to connect intimately. I find that often they may have a physical and emotional connection, but the spiritual connection is missing. Being connected spiritually is the secret for couples who are able to go the distance in a marriage. They keep God at the center of their marriages.

However, as you probably know, sometimes life gets in the way. Our jobs keep us busy, and our children have us running ourselves ragged, especially during this time of year. It can be difficult to maintain a sense of spiritual intimacy with our spouses with so many other things vying for our attention.

Even so, God’s deepest desire is to connect with you. He longs to hear from you on a daily basis, and when you come together before the Lord as a married couple, the blessings you’ll reap from that will surely abound.

How to Stay Connected With God

Some couples believe that in order to have spiritual intimacy with each other, they have to follow a specific formula. For a while, it might even work. They set aside a half hour to an hour of time each day to get together to discuss what is on their minds; pray and read their Bibles, or do another type of devotional. However, it usually doesn’t take long before one of the kids needs their attention, or an unexpected appointment comes up that causes them to reschedule their devotional time. Sometimes they never return to it at all.

Ways to Grow Spiritually as a Couple

Spiritual intimacy in marriage needs to be nurtured, planned and scheduled. There are many things you can do to make sure you spend time with God together:

●  Pray together before bed. ●  Choose a verse to meditate on during the week. Maybe even write on it an index card that you tape to the bathroom mirror. ●  Listen to Christian music together in the car. ●  Attend church together and talk about the sermon. ●  Buy two copies of a Christian book and read it at the same time. Talk about what you read.

These are just a few of my ideas. It’s important that you do whatever works well for you and your spouse. If you try something that doesn’t work, try something different. Eventually, you’ll come up with a way for you to feel closer to each other, and closer to God by building upon a strong foundation of spiritual intimacy.

If you’re finding that you’re just struggling with finding some common ground spiritually, I would love to help you. Together, we can journey through God’s design for your marriage, and we can come up with a plan to help you grow closer together as husband and wife as you lean in closer to hear God’s heart for your marriage. The Beaufort Center For Marriage  in Beaufort, SC is there to help you. Or, if you live outside the area we can work together either by phone or video call. Call us today at 843-379-0288 or book your appointment via our online calendar.

As you grow closer to God as a couple, you’ll find that He blesses you in ways you never thought were possible. I would love to hear about the joy you experience in your marriage as you learn even more about how much God loves you, and longs for you to spend time with Him.

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