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Kind Words From Clients




“I wasn’t happy and I didn’t think that infidelity would ever happen to us. But it did. Putting God first in our marriage and opening the lines of communication helped us learn things about each other we never knew- even after 26-years. Our biggest accomplishment in our work together was saving our marriage!”-Satisfied Client


“For the first time I can honestly say I feel worthy of forgiveness from my Heavenly Father and I look forward to and visualize a life untainted by my sexual addiction.” -Satisfied Client


“My favorite part in working with you was not only the spiritual wisdom and knowledge you brought to the table, but holding us accountable to do the work required to change our marriage.  I believe that made the difference in any other counseling we have participate in. I finally have the husband I always wanted!”-Satisfied Client


“Finding our about my husband’s sexual addiction made me feel like my marriage was over. I am eternally grateful for all that you have done for me…for us. You have given us so much hope, which at time I thought was unattainable. You have impacted our live in a way we thought was never possible.”-Satisfied Client


“We called after a particularly nasty argument, which seemed worse than the last.  Our needs weren’t getting met. In out work together I understand so much more now than I ever have.  Learning each other’s emotional needs really opened my eyes to the fact that while I wasn’t getting the attention I needed, my spouse wasn’t getting what he needed from me either. Our lines of communication are now open.”-Satisfied Client


“I wasn’t at all optimistic about the plan to change our marriage and had a lot of doubts about it working.  Surprisingly, one assignment in particular, although hard, took away a lot of pain and guilt that I had held inside for years. Another reward was the fact that my spouse admitted to some of her faults and being able to forgive her was amazing!”-Satisfied Client


“My emotions were on a roller coaster ride and the pain I was in was like the worst nightmare. I was terrified I was about to be divorced, become a single mom and my future filled with misery and pain.  It has taken time to heal and I’m not a patient person, but after all we learned in our couples sessions our marriage has become a new and great marriage.”  -Satisfied Client