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Couple Talks: Reconnect With Your Spouse

Couple Talks:  Reconnect With Your Spouse

Couple TalkWhen something occurs within your marriage to cause distance between you and your spouse, it’s essential to work on reforming the bond you once had with each other. It’s easy to think that all is lost once betrayal or animosity sets in, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you can work on improving your communication, you can place yourselves back on the right track.

One way you can do that is by instituting couple talks. Couple talks are like a mini-date with your spouse. They should be initiated and scheduled by the husband, and he should also lead them, as the head of your family. Let’s talk about a few things to keep in mind as you begin to incorporate couple talks as a part of your relationship.


Couple talks do not have to take a long period of time. It’s more important for you to have them frequently rather than for lengthy periods. Try to aim for four times a week, with each one lasting about fifteen minutes. Begin your time together with prayer. Once you’ve prayed together, use a couples devotional book to get into God’s Word. It’s important for you to find a place to have your couple talk that’s private and quiet so that you don’t have to worry about being interrupted. A few places you can have your couple talks include:

• The kitchen table in the morning (before your kids wake up)
• A local coffee shop
• A nearby park
• Your own back patio or yard
• Your living room (after the kids have gone to bed, with the television off)


After you read the day’s devotions together, take a few minutes to talk just like you would talk with a friend over lunch. You can discuss things that are happening at work, your friends, your family, and anything else that comes to mind.

Keep in mind that these talks might be uncomfortable at first. If you’re not used to sitting down and communicating with each other, it might seem strange to do it now. However, if you’re consistent, you’ll get used to it, and you’ll probably even begin to look forward to your time together during couple talks.

Couple talks with your spouse will help to promote relational, emotional and spiritual bonding between the two of you. Of course, during the course of them, it’s possible that conflict might arise; especially during the first few. If that happens, shut the talk down. The goal is not to foster conflict.

Maybe you’re looking for more ideas like this one to help improve communication in your marriage. Whether you’ve been through a betrayal, or you feel as though you and your spouse have simply grown apart, a Christian marriage coach and counselor can help you.

Here at The Beaufort Center for Marriage, we’ve helped many couples through some of the roughest storms of their marriages. We can help you through your challenges too. If you would like to make an appointment to talk with a Christian marriage coach and counselor, please contact us at 843-379-0288. You can meet with one of us face to face, or we can work together over the phone or on Skype. Our online scheduler is also available for your convenience.

Couple talks can truly transform the way you communicate with each other. God intends for your marriage to become whole, and this is an excellent tool to get that process started.

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